To purchase physical CDs – buy direct from Teddy Bear Band by using PayPal and the “add to cart” button.

“Live at Paisley Park” – CD now available!
In 1988 Prince invited TBB to use Studio A at Paisley Park for a live recording with 150-200 children and parents in attendance! The finished “cassette” – “You’re in the Show” was hugely popular, won accolades from Scholastic, and propelled music sales & performances throughout the US and Canada.
Buy CD on PayPal – Just $10

Sing, Play and Move (CD)
The super fun songs on “Sing, Play and Move” support learning for young children. These songs help little kids understand language and experience how words have meaning. The CD features many “classic” early childhood songs. In fact “SING, PLAY and MOVE” is so effective in supporting early childhood & family literacy that some programs are purchasing copies for ALL THEIR FAMILIES!
You may download the CD insert with full song list and notes, or click here to read all about it!
Buy CD on PayPal – Just $10

Sing, Play and Move 2 (The Prequel) (CD)
The success of “Sing, Play and Move” has inspired “Sing, Play & Move 2 (The Prequel)! Like “Sing, Play and Move” this 30th Anniversary CD supports literacy and learning for young children. Recorded “live” in 1987, this CD is a tribute to the development of TBB’s conversational style that draws kids in to participate! Teachers, parents and kids will appreciate these “classic -hard to find” early childhood songs along with early TBB originals.
You may download the CD insert with full song list and notes, or click here to read all about it!
Buy CD on PayPal – Just $10
Teddy Bear Party! (CD)
Teddy Bears LOVE to party with kids, and here’s the perfect CD to match the occasion! Recorded at Paisley Park Studios, Teddy Bear Party presents crowd-pleasing tunes like Teddy Bear Twist, Playin’ Guitar, Show and Tell and many more that engage imaginations in a musical journey, on imaginary rides, playing games, performing “Bear-Robics” and more. The Teddy Bear Band provides lots of opportunities for EVERYBODY to join in the fun…so BYOTB (Bring Your Own Teddy Bear), and LET’S PARTY!
Buy CD on PayPal – Just $10
Sharing A Circus of Song
Come one, come all, to the “Zaniest Circus on EARTH”! Kids and bears can join in high-flying original tunes like: Are You Ready, Teddy?, Jazz Jump, Get Up & Get Down, Teddy Bears Jumping on the Bed and “Circus Parade.”
Goin’ Bananas
This album features many contemporary music styles from various cultural roots. Lots of energy & groove centered on engaging kids in fun & participation that encourages parents/teachers to join children in an adult friendly musical experience.